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There is mainly one endpoint to be used, which is POST /api/renovation-planning. You need to send your input data in form of a JSON object and you will receive a lot of calculated values in form of a response (which is also a JSON object).

Request object

The request object consist of three different parts:

  • the optional common values (location, name, address)
  • the current real estate properties in the field buildingStatus (type of real estate, current state, size) and lastly
  • the planned renovation measures in the field renovatingFormValues.

Complete Request Example

    "countryIndex": "DE",
    "projectName": "Name of project",
    "projectType": "renovatingHouse",
    "fullAddress": "Bremen",
    "coordinates": {
        "lat": 53.0793,
        "lng": 8.8017
    "buildingStatus": {
        "heatedLivingArea": 110,
        "houseType": "singleFamilyHouse",
        "energyStandard": "before1960",
        "isSolarHeatingSystem": false,
        "isSolarPowerSystem": false,
        "solarPowerSystemSize": 15,
        "batteryStorageSize": 15,
        "solarHeatingSystemType": "onlyHotWater",
        "heatingSystem": "heatingOil",
        "hotWaterProducer": "heatingSystem",
        "heatingSystemAge": "olderThan20Years",
        "roomTemperature": "lessThan21",
        "hotWaterAmount": "low",
        "residentsCount": 4,
        "renovations": ["newWindows"],
        "powerConsumers": [],
        "devicesAreYoungerThan10Years": true
    "renovatingFormValues": {
        "systemCalculatedValues": true,
        "floorsNumber": 2,
        "features": ["heatingSystem", "newWindows", "facadeInsulation", "solarPowerSystem", "batteryStorage"],
        "facadeInsulationArea": 190,
        "facadeInsulationEquipmentType": "standard",
        "facadeInsulationType": "single",
        "newWindowsNumber": 8,
        "extraLargeWindowsNumber": 0,
        "liftAndSlideDoorsNumber": 0,
        "newWindowsEquipmentType": "standard",
        "roofArea": 0,
        "roofEquipmentType": "standard",
        "roofType": "flat",
        "ceilingTopInsulationArea": 0,
        "ceilingBasementInsulationArea": 0,
        "heatingSystemForRenovation": "heatPump",
        "heatingSystemEquipmentType": "standard",
        "newSolarPowerSystemSize": 5,
        "solarPowerSystemEquipmentType": "standard",
        "batteryStorageBlackoutOption": false,
        "batteryStorageSize": 7,
        "frontDoorEquipmentType": "standard",
        "domesticVentilationEquipmentType": "standard",
        "hotWaterWithNewHeatingSystem": false

General values (optional)

All general values are optional and will otherwise be ignored. The optional country and full_address is only required for an estimate of the property.

Field Required Description Type Constrains
countryIndex The countrx which the full_address is located in. string, Enum 2 letters in uppercase, must be valid ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes
projectName Currently there is only one project type, but we will add more soon. string
projectType The type of the project, currently always 'renovation_house'. string renovation_house
full_address The full address in a single line of the property. string
coordinates Exact coordinates of the property. object, Coordinates

buildingStatus form values

Example of the buildingStatus object:

    "buildingStatus": {
        "heatedLivingArea": 110,
        "houseType": "singleFamilyHouse",
        "energyStandard": "before1960",
        "isSolarHeatingSystem": false,
        "isSolarPowerSystem": false,
        "solarPowerSystemSize": 15,
        "batteryStorageSize": 15,
        "solarHeatingSystemType": "onlyHotWater",
        "heatingSystem": "heatingOil",
        "hotWaterProducer": "heatingSystem",
        "heatingSystemAge": "olderThan20Years",
        "roomTemperature": "lessThan21",
        "hotWaterAmount": "low",
        "residentsCount": 4,
        "renovations": ["newWindows"],
        "powerConsumers": [],
        "devicesAreYoungerThan10Years": true
Field Required Description Type Constrains Default
heatedLivingArea tbd number 25-300 110
houseType tbd enum, houseType singleFamilyHouse, bungalowOrComplexFloorPlan, townHouse, semiDetachedHouse
energyStandard tbd enum, energyStandard before1960, between1960And1975, between1976And1990, after1990, lowEnergyHouse, passiveHouse
isSolarHeatingSystem tbd boolean false
isSolarPowerSystem tbd boolean false
solarPowerSystemSize tbd number 3-15
batteryStorageSize tbd number 3-15
solarHeatingSystemType tbd enum, solarHeatingSystemType onlyHotWater, heatingAndHotWater
heatingSystem tbd enum, heatingSystem districtHeatingStandard, heatPump, districtHeatingBiomass, woodChips, woodPellets, firewood, coal, heatingOil, electric, naturalGas heatingOsil
hotWaterProducer tbd enum, hotWaterProducer heatingSystem, electricBoiler, gasHeater, heatPump
heatingSystemAge tbd enum, heatingSystemAge olderThan20Years, between10And20Years, lessThan10Years
roomTemperature tbd enum, temperature lessThan21, between21And23, moreThan23
hotWaterAmount tbd enum, hotWaterAmount low, medium, high
residentsCount tbd number 1-6 4
renovations renovations that have been done for the building up til now array, renovations newWindows, ceilingTopInsulation, ceilingBasementInsulation, facadeInsulation, domesticVentilation
powerConsumers tbd array, powerConsumers sauna, outdoorWhirlpool, swimmingPool, airCondition, waterbed
devicesAreYoungerThan10Years tbd boolean

Explained buildingStatus input values

Image title

  • Beheizte Wohnfläche: heatedLivingArea
  • Um welchen Haustyp handelt es sich? houseType


  • Wurden bereits Renovierungen durchgeführt?: renovations (multiselect)
  • Anzahl der Personen die im Haus leben residentsCount (1-6, defaults to 4)


  • Heizsystem: heatingSystem
  • Es existiert bereits eine Solarthermieanlage isSolarHeatingSystem
  • Welche Art von Solarthermie hast du solarHeatingSystemType
  • Alter der Heizung heatingSystemAge
  • Wie hoch ist die Raumtemperatur? temperature


  • Wie wird das Warmwasser produziert? hotWaterProducer
  • Angaben zum Warmwasserverbrauch hotWaterAmount


  • Sind die meisten Geräte ... jünger als 10 Jahre? devicesAreYoungerThan10Years
  • Welche außerordentlichen Stromverbraucher hast Du? powerConsumers (multiselect)
  • Es existiert bereits eine Photovoltaikanlage isSolarPowerSystem
  • Wie groß ist die Anlage (kWp)? solarPowerSystemSize

renovatingFormValues values

This part contains the things which are planned to be done. While the co2calculator values are required to calculate the current consumption and classification of the property, the renovatingFormValues values are used to calculate the difference after the improvements.

In general, you do not net to send any fields with the request object, and the only mandatory field is features. So this would be the minimal object, if you do not skip it:

    "renovatingFormValues": {
        "features": []

About adding features

If you add any feature to the features array, it's fields will become mandatory! For example adding newWindows means that newWindowsNumber, extraLargeWindowsNumber, liftAndSlideDoorsNumber and newWindowsEquipmentType will be required!

Example of the renovatingFormValues object with all fields flilled out:

    "renovatingFormValues": {
        "systemCalculatedValues": true,
        "floorsNumber": 2,
        "features": ["heatingSystem", "newWindows", "facadeInsulation", "solarPowerSystem", "batteryStorage"],
        "facadeInsulationArea": 190,
        "facadeInsulationEquipmentType": "standard",
        "facadeInsulationType": "single",
        "newWindowsNumber": 8,
        "extraLargeWindowsNumber": 0,
        "liftAndSlideDoorsNumber": 0,
        "newWindowsEquipmentType": "standard",
        "roofArea": 0,
        "roofEquipmentType": "standard",
        "roofType": "flat",
        "ceilingTopInsulationArea": 0,
        "ceilingBasementInsulationArea": 0,
        "heatingSystemForRenovation": "heatPump",
        "heatingSystemEquipmentType": "standard",
        "newSolarPowerSystemSize": 5,
        "solarPowerSystemEquipmentType": "standard",
        "batteryStorageBlackoutOption": false,
        "batteryStorageSize": 7,
        "frontDoorEquipmentType": "standard",
        "domesticVentilationEquipmentType": "standard",
        "hotWaterWithNewHeatingSystem": false
Field Required Feature Type Constrains Default
systemCalculatedValues - boolean true
floorsNumber - number 1-3 2
features - enum, features
facadeInsulationArea facadeInsulation number 190
facadeInsulationEquipmentType facadeInsulation enum, facadeInsulationEquipmentType standard, premium, superior standard
facadeInsulationType facadeInsulation enum, facadeInsulationType single, double, middle single
newWindowsNumber newWindows number >= 0 8
extraLargeWindowsNumber newWindows number >= 0
liftAndSlideDoorsNumber newWindows number >= 0
newWindowsEquipmentType newWindows enum, newWindowsEquipmentType standard, premium, superior standard
roofArea roof number >= 0
roofEquipmentType roof enum, roofEquipmentType standard, premium, superior standard
roofType roof roofType gable, hipped, flat flat
ceilingTopInsulationArea insulation_top_ceiling number >= 0
ceilingBasementInsulationArea insulationBasementCeiling number >= 0
heatingSystemForRenovation heatingSystem enum, heatingSystemForRenovation districtHeatingStandard, heatPump, naturalGas, woodPellets heat_pump
heatingSystemEquipmentType heatingSystem enum, heatingSystemEquipmentType standard, premium, superior standard
hotWaterWithNewHeatingSystem heatingSystem boolean false
newSolarPowerSystemSize solarPowerSystem number 3-15 5
solarPowerSystemEquipmentType solarPowerSystem enum, solarPowerSystemEquipmentType standard, premium, superior standard
batteryStorageBlackoutOption batteryStorage boolean false
batteryStorageSize batteryStorage number 3-15 7
frontDoorEquipmentType frontDoor enum, frontDoorEquipmentType standard, premium, superior
domesticVentilationEquipmentType domesticVentilation enum, domesticVentilationEquipmentType standard, premium, superior

Explained renovationPlanning form values

Overall you have 12 possible features. To add those, you need to add them to the array features, otherwise additional input values will be ignored.

Possible values for the features array:

  • heatingSystem
  • facadeInsulation
  • newWindows
  • roof
  • ceilingTopInsulation
  • ceilingBasementInsulation
  • solarPowerSystem
  • solarHeating
  • domesticVentilation
  • frontDoor
  • wallboxEMobility
  • batteryStorage

General input


  • Wohnnutzfläche (m2) --> heatedLivingArea
  • Anzahl der Etagen --> floorsNumber

Input "Fassade dämmen" / feature facadeInsulation


  • Welche Anbausituation liegt vor? --> facadeInsulationType
  • Geschätzt Fassadenfläche --> facadeInsulationArea
  • Ausstattungskategorie --> facadeInsulationEquipmentType

Input "Fenstertausch" / feature newWindows


  • Wie viele Fenster werden getauscht? --> newWindowsNumber
  • Wie viele extra-große Fenster? --> extraLargeWindowsNumber
  • Wie viele Hebeschiebetüren? --> liftAndSlideDoorsNumber
  • Ausstattungskategorie --> newWindowsEquipmentType

Input "Dach erneuern und dämmen" / feature roof


  • Geschätzte Dachfläche --> roofArea
  • Ausstattungskategorie --> roofEquipmentType
  • Dachform --> roofType

Input "Dämmerung der obersten Geschossdecke" / feature ceilingTopInsulation


  • Fläche der obersten Geschossdecke --> ceilingTopInsulationArea

Input "Dämmung der Kellerdecke" / feature insulationBasementCeiling


  • Fläche der Kellerdecke --> ceilingBasementInsulationArea

Input "Heizung erneuern" / feature heatingSystem


  • welches Heizsystem möchtest du in der Zukunft --> heatingSystemForRenovation;
  • Ausstattungskategorie --> heatingSystemEquipmentType

Input "Photovoltaik" / feature solarPowerSystem & batteryStorage



  • wie groß soll die Anlage sein --> solarPowerSystemSizeInstallation
  • Ausstattungskategorie --> solarPowerSystemEquipmentType
  • Batteriespeicher mit Notstromoption --> batteryStorageBlackoutOption
  • Batteriespeicher --> batteryStorageSize

Input "Solarthermie" / feature solarHeating


Input "Aktive Wohnraumlüftung" / feature domesticVentilation


  • Ausstattungskategorie --> domesticVentilationEquipmentType

Input "Eingangstüre erneuern" / feature frontDoor


  • Ausstattungskategorien --> frontDoorEquipmentType

Input "Ladestation für E-Auto -Wallbox" / feature wallboxEMobility


Not supported


The input of customEnergyRequirements is currently not supported via the API


  • Kennst Du deinen exakten jährlichen Stromverbrauch UND Wäremebedarf?
  • Heizöl (Liter)
  • Fernwärme (kWh)
  • Erdgas (kwH)
  • Hackschnitzel (Raummeter)
  • Kohle (kg)
  • Holzpellets (kg)
  • Wie groß ist die Anlage?
  • Wie groß ist die Anlage?