Response Json-Example¶
"id": 1,
"doc_id": "65a971a65819a6111770392f",
"version": "2024-01-05",
"match_count": 3,
"foerderung": {
"name": "BAFA | Bundesförderung für effiziente Gebäude – Einzelmaßnahmen (BEG EM)",
"bundesland": "bundesweit; baden_wuerttemberg; ...",
"foerderart": "Zuschuss",
"foerderart_mod": "zuschuss",
"foerdergebiet_bund_region": "Bundesweit"
"applicable_measures": [
"applicable_calculation": {
"calc_single_measures": "True",
"calc_zinssatz": "False",
"calc_tilgung": "False"
"measures_details": {
"front_door": {
"applicable": "True",
"reason": "Erneuerung, Ersatz oder erstmaliger Einbau von Fenstern, Außentüren und -toren",
"measure_funding_amount": 15,
"measure_funding_unit": "percentage",
"calc_single_measure": "True"
"new_windows": {
"applicable": "True",
"reason": "Erneuerung, Ersatz oder erstmaliger Einbau von Fenstern, Außentüren und -toren",
"measure_funding_amount": 15,
"measure_funding_unit": "percentage",
"calc_single_measure": "True"
"heating_system": {
"applicable": "True",
"reason": "Gefördert werden der Einbau ...",
"measure_funding_amount": 25,
"measure_funding_unit": "percentage",
"calc_single_measure": "True"
"roof": {
"applicable": "False",
"reason": "None",
"measure_funding_amount": 0,
"measure_funding_unit": "euro_max",
"calc_single_measure": "False"
"facade_insulation": {
"applicable": "True",
"reason": "Ein-, Umbau- und Optimierungsmaßnahmen ...",
"measure_funding_amount": 15,
"measure_funding_unit": "percentage",
"calc_single_measure": "True"
"solar_power_system": {
"applicable": "True",
"reason": "Gefördert wird die Errichtung oder Erweiterung ...",
"measure_funding_amount": 25,
"measure_funding_unit": "percentage",
"calc_single_measure": "True"
"battery_storage": {
"applicable": "False",
"reason": "None",
"measure_funding_amount": 0,
"measure_funding_unit": "euro_max",
"calc_single_measure": "False"
"wallbox": {
"applicable": "False",
"reason": "None",
"measure_funding_amount": 0,
"measure_funding_unit": "euro_max",
"calc_single_measure": "False"
"solar_heating_subitem": {
"applicable": "True",
"reason": "Gefördert wird die Errichtung oder Erweiterung von Solarkollektoranlagen zur thermischen Nutzung.",
"measure_funding_amount": 25,
"measure_funding_unit": "percentage",
"calc_single_measure": "True"
"domestic_ventilation_subitem": {
"applicable": "True",
"reason": "Einbau, Austausch oder Optimierung ...",
"measure_funding_amount": 15,
"measure_funding_unit": "percentage",
"calc_single_measure": "True"
"insulation_top_ceiling_subitem": {
"applicable": "True",
"reason": "Ein-, Umbau- und Optimierungsmaßnahmen ...",
"measure_funding_amount": 0,
"measure_funding_unit": "euro_max",
"calc_single_measure": "False"
"insulation_basement_ceiling_subitem": {
"applicable": "True",
"reason": "Ein-, Umbau- und Optimierungsmaßnahmen ...",
"measure_funding_amount": 0,
"measure_funding_unit": "euro_max",
"calc_single_measure": "False"
"measures_matched": [
"application": {
"application_details": {
"Antragsstellung": "Die Antragstellung erfolgt gemäß ...",
"Fristen": "Der vollständige Verwendungsnachweis ...",
"Institut": "BAFA und KfW",
"AustauschMitHausbankNotwendig": "False"
"energetic_details": {
"ErhoehungEnergiestandardNotwendig": "True",
"SanierungsfahrplanNotwendig": "True",
"EnergieberaterNotwendig": "True"
"funding_details": {
"Kombinierbarkeit": {
"applicable": "False",
"reason": ""
"Zinssatz": {
"applicable": "False",
"zinssatz": 0,
"funding_unit_type": "percentage",
"reason": ""
"MaximalInvestition": {
"applicable": "True",
"funding_amount": 600000,
"funding_unit_type": "total_euro",
"reason": "8.3.1 Höchstgrenzen bei Wohngebäuden (WG) ... insgesamt auf maximal 600.000 Euro pro Gebäude"
"MindestInvestition": {
"applicable": "False",
"funding_amount": 0,
"funding_unit_type": "total_euro",
"reason": ""
"Tilgung": {
"applicable": "True", //Always True due to calculation logic
"funding_unit_type": "percentage",
"tilgungssatz": 10
Description of general response keys¶
JSON Response Objects - Overview¶
Key | Type | Description |
results | Array | A list of results to be returned in the response including funding |
application.application_details | Object | Details related to the application process, deadlines, administering institutions, and whether exchange with the house bank is necessary. |
application.energetic_details | Object | Energetic details such as the need for an energy standard increase, a renovation plan, and an energy consultant. |
doc_id | String | A unique ID for the document. |
version | String | Date of the current document version. |
foerderung.bundesland | String | The federal state where the funding is available. |
foerderung.foerderart | String | The type of funding (e.g., grant). |
foerdergebiet_bund_region | String | The area where the funding is available (e.g., nationwide). | | String | The name of the funding program. |
match_count | Integer | The number of matches in this result. |
measures_matched | Array | A list of measures matching the search terms. |
applicable_measures | Array | A list of measures applicable for this funding. |
applicable_calculation | Object | Details about possible calculation methods. |
measures_details | Object | Details about individual measures, including applicability, reasoning |
funding_details | Object | Details about funding amounts (max, min, combination with other programs, interest |
Details for applicable_calculation¶
Key | Type | Allowed Values | Interpretation |
applicable_calculation | Object | Dictionary {…} |
Indicates, which calculation method to apply |
applicable_calculation.calc_single_measure | Bool | True , False (=default) |
If True: Die Berechnung der Förderhöhen kann auf Basis der Einzelmaßnahmen getroffen werden. Diese sind zu finden unter: results.measures_details.measure[x].measure_funding_amount Ob dort ein gültiger Wert liegt wird ausgegeben über: results.measures_details.measure[0].calc_single_measure |
applicable_calculation.calc_zinssatz | Bool | True , False (=default) |
If True: Die Berechnung der Förderhöhen kann auf Basis einer Zinsvergünstigung stattfinden - bezogen auf die GESAMTEN förderfähigen Ausgaben. Dieser sind zu finden unter: results.funding_details.Zinssatz.zinssatz Ob dort ein gültiger Wert liegt wird ausgegeben über: results.funding_details.Zinssatz.applicable |
applicable_calculation.calc_tilgung | Bool | True , False (=default) |
If True: Die Berechnung der Förderhöhen kann auf Basis eines Tilgungszuschusses stattfinden. Dieser sind zu finden unter: results.funding_details.Tilgung.tilgungssatz Ob dort ein gültiger Wert liegt wird ausgegeben über: results.funding_details.Tilgung.applicable |
Details for results.funding_details¶
Key | Type | Allowed Values | Interpretation |
funding_details.MindestInvestition.applicable | Bool | True , False (=default) |
False |
funding_details.MindestInvestition.funding_amount | Float | Float ≥ 0.0 | 0.0 |
funding_details.MindestInvestition.funding_unit_type | String | percentage , total_euro |
total_euro |
funding_details.MindestInvestition.reason | String | Text String | "" |
funding_details.MaximalInvestition.applicable | Bool | True , False (=default) |
True |
funding_details.MaximalInvestition.funding_amount | Float | Float ≥ 0.0 | 200000.0 |
funding_details.MaximalInvestition.funding_unit_type | String | percentage , total_euro |
total_euro |
funding_details.MaximalInvestition.reason | String | Text String | Grund für Betrag… |
funding_details.Kombinierbarkeit.applicable | Bool | True , False (=default) |
True |
funding_details.Kombinierbarkeit.reason | String | Text String | Grund für Kombinierbarkeit… |
funding_details.Zinssatz.applicable | Bool | True , False (=default) |
True |
funding_details.Zinssatz.funding_amount | Float | Float ≥ 0.0 | 2 |
funding_details.Zinssatz.funding_unit_type | String | percentage |
percentage |
funding_details.Zinssatz.reason | String | Text String | Zinsvergünstigung durch… |
funding_details.Tilgung.applicable | Bool | True (always true) |
False |
funding_details.Tilgung.percentage | String | percentage |
percentage |
funding_details.Tilgung.tilgungssatz | Float | Float ≥ 0.0 | 0.0 |
Details for results.measures_details¶
Key | Type | Allowed Values | Interpretation |
results.measures_details.measure[n] | Object | Dict with measure details | / |
results.measures_details.measure[n].applicable | Bool | True , False (=default) |
True |
results.measures_details.measure[n].calc_single_measure | Bool | True , False (=default) |
True True wenn measure_funding_amount definiert |
results.measures_details.measure[n].measure_funding_unit | String | percentage , euro_max , euro_pro_einheit |
total_euro |
results.funding_details.MaximalInvestition.applicable | Bool | Float ≥ 0.0 | 0.0 |
results.funding_details.MaximalInvestition.funding_amount | Float | Text String | Grund für Betrag… |
Calculation Logic¶
The subsidy programmes allow subsidy amounts to be calculated in four different ways. This depends on the respective types of subsidy programmes. A distinction is made between: - Zuschüssen - Darlehen - Kombination aus Zuschuss und Darlehen (=Kombi) - Tilgungszuschuss
To simplify the calculation, the API response contains the object applicable_calculation
for each programme. .
The possible calculation types are now listed in detail for all cases:
Förderart results.foerderart_std |
applicable_calculation Ausprägungen | Berechnungsart |
zuschuss |
calc_single_measures = True calc_zinssatz = False calc_tilgung = False |
The calculation is based on the individual measures: results.measures_details.measure[x].measure_funding_amount Through measure_funding_unit is the unit differentiated: euro_total = subsidy in € for renovation measure (e.g. 2500.0) euro_pro_einheit = subsidy in € per unit of renovation measure (e.g. 40.0). Units can be the number of windows or living area in m^2. percentage = subsidy in percent of cost from renovation measure (e.g. 25.0) |
darlehen |
calc_single_measures = False calc_zinssatz = True calc_tilgung = False |
The calculation is based on the total cost of the refurbishment measures via a subsidised loan. results.funding_details.Zinssatz.zinssatz (always in percent —> e.g. 1.5) |
kombi |
calc_single_measures = True calc_zinssatz = True calc_tilgung = False |
The two calculation types above are possible here |
tilgung |
calc_single_measures = False calc_zinssatz = False calc_tilgung = True |
The calculation is based on the total costs of the renovation measures via a repayment subsidy. This is reallocated to the total costs and deducted as a percentage. results.funding_details.Tilgung.tilgungssatz (always in percent —> e.g. 20.0) |
Minimum Investments and Maximum Subsidies¶
The respective programmes often also specify minimum investment costs or maximum funding amounts:
Minimum investment costs:
- For example, at least €5,000 must be invested in a programme for the funding to take effect
- Here are results.funding_details.MindestInvestition
Maximum funding amounts:
- The funding amounts can be limited to €500k per project, for example. If the investment requirement is higher, only €500k can be counted as funding for the respective programme.
- Here are results.funding_details.MaximalInvestition