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Welcome to the Effi Subsidies API Documentation space, powered by Überseehub! Once you have obtained a client identifier and a client secret, you can start using the API as described in the following sections. All endpoints are located at for production access and for testing access. Currently you only have one endpoint, POST /api/funding.

Please use the search field on the top right or find your way with the left panel navigation.

What you need to get started

To use the API you need valid credentials. Those can only be obtained by contacting us and becoming one of our partners. On how to use your credentials, please read the corresponding documentation.

  Want to use the API? Write us an email!

OpenAPI & Swagger-UI

OpenAPI is an open specification for documenting RESTful APIs. It enables developers to create a unified and machine-readable description of their APIs, including information about endpoints, request methods, data structures, authentication, and much more. OpenAPI offers developers a clear, consistent, and easily understandable way to create and manage API documentation.

Developers can use OpenAPI specifications to automatically generate client libraries or server code, speeding up development and enhancing interoperability.

Swagger-UI is part of the Swagger framework and provides an interactive interface to explore and interact with an API documentation based on OpenAPI. With Swagger-UI, developers can test and understand API endpoints without having to resort to the raw format of the specification.

The combination of OpenAPI and Swagger-UI offers developers an efficient way to utilize and understand the Renovation Advisor API. The interactive user interface of Swagger-UI significantly eases integration and development.

View SwaggerUI Download OpenAPI specification


To integrate with the effi API, we assume you to be familiar with the following technical principles:

For more information on these topics, follow the respective links. If you are unsure how to integrate with the finoOS API after reading the documentation, feel free to contact us.

Status Codes

Error responses of the API will return one of the HTTP error codes listed below in the Status Codes and Errors table.
HTTP response codes are used to indicate general classes of success and error. 

Success Code

HTTP Status Quote Description
200 Request logged successfully

Error Codes

HTTP Status Quote Content Description
400 Bad Request The request body could not be decoded as JSON
401 unauthorized The authorization token is not valid.
415 unsupported media type The request body could not be decoded as JSON

Error responses code = 400

For bad requests (400) the API will response with specific reasons. This might be the case when parameters are missing or include unsupported contents. Below is an example response for multiple malformed values within the request.

    "error": {
        "search_terms": [
            "Die folgenden Suchbegriffe sind nicht erlaubt: front_d"
        "zip_code": [
            "Der zip_code muss aus genau fünf Ziffern bestehen."
        "efficiency_factor_cat": [
            "Die Werte für 'before' und 'after' müssen jeweils einen Buchstaben von A bis H enthalten."
        "limit": [
            "Eine gültige Ganzzahl ist erforderlich."

Getting access

  Want to use the API? Write us an email!