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Response Json-Example

      "id": 1,
      "doc_id": "65a971a65819a6111770392f",
      "version": "2024-01-05",
      "match_count": 3,
      "foerderung": {
        "name": "BAFA |  Bundesförderung für effiziente Gebäude – Einzelmaßnahmen (BEG EM)",
        "bundesland": "bundesweit; baden_wuerttemberg; ...",
        "foerderart": "Zuschuss",
        "foerderart_mod": "zuschuss",
        "foerdergebiet_bund_region": "Bundesweit"
      "applicable_measures": [
      "applicable_calculation": {
        "calc_single_measures": "True",
        "calc_zinssatz": "False",
        "calc_tilgung": "False"
      "measures_details": {
        "front_door": {
          "applicable": "True",
          "reason": "Erneuerung, Ersatz oder erstmaliger Einbau von Fenstern, Außentüren und -toren",
          "measure_funding_amount": 15,
          "measure_funding_unit": "percentage",
          "calc_single_measure": "True"
        "new_windows": {
          "applicable": "True",
          "reason": "Erneuerung, Ersatz oder erstmaliger Einbau von Fenstern, Außentüren und -toren",
          "measure_funding_amount": 15,
          "measure_funding_unit": "percentage",
          "calc_single_measure": "True"
        "heating_system": {
          "applicable": "True",
          "reason": "Gefördert werden der Einbau ...",
          "measure_funding_amount": 25,
          "measure_funding_unit": "percentage",
          "calc_single_measure": "True"
        "roof": {
          "applicable": "False",
          "reason": "None",
          "measure_funding_amount": 0,
          "measure_funding_unit": "euro_max",
          "calc_single_measure": "False"
        "facade_insulation": {
          "applicable": "True",
          "reason": "Ein-, Umbau- und Optimierungsmaßnahmen ...",
          "measure_funding_amount": 15,
          "measure_funding_unit": "percentage",
          "calc_single_measure": "True"
        "solar_power_system": {
          "applicable": "True",
          "reason": "Gefördert wird die Errichtung oder Erweiterung ...",
          "measure_funding_amount": 25,
          "measure_funding_unit": "percentage",
          "calc_single_measure": "True"
        "battery_storage": {
          "applicable": "False",
          "reason": "None",
          "measure_funding_amount": 0,
          "measure_funding_unit": "euro_max",
          "calc_single_measure": "False"
        "wallbox": {
          "applicable": "False",
          "reason": "None",
          "measure_funding_amount": 0,
          "measure_funding_unit": "euro_max",
          "calc_single_measure": "False"
        "solar_heating_subitem": {
          "applicable": "True",
          "reason": "Gefördert wird die Errichtung oder Erweiterung von Solarkollektoranlagen zur thermischen Nutzung.",
          "measure_funding_amount": 25,
          "measure_funding_unit": "percentage",
          "calc_single_measure": "True"
        "domestic_ventilation_subitem": {
          "applicable": "True",
          "reason": "Einbau, Austausch oder Optimierung ...",
          "measure_funding_amount": 15,
          "measure_funding_unit": "percentage",
          "calc_single_measure": "True"
        "insulation_top_ceiling_subitem": {
          "applicable": "True",
          "reason": "Ein-, Umbau- und Optimierungsmaßnahmen ...",
          "measure_funding_amount": 0,
          "measure_funding_unit": "euro_max",
          "calc_single_measure": "False"
        "insulation_basement_ceiling_subitem": {
          "applicable": "True",
          "reason": "Ein-, Umbau- und Optimierungsmaßnahmen ...",
          "measure_funding_amount": 0,
          "measure_funding_unit": "euro_max",
          "calc_single_measure": "False"
      "measures_matched": [
      "application": {
        "application_details": {
          "Antragsstellung": "Die Antragstellung erfolgt gemäß ...",
          "Fristen": "Der vollständige Verwendungsnachweis ...",
          "Institut": "BAFA und KfW",
          "AustauschMitHausbankNotwendig": "False"
        "energetic_details": {
          "ErhoehungEnergiestandardNotwendig": "True",
          "SanierungsfahrplanNotwendig": "True",
          "EnergieberaterNotwendig": "True"
      "funding_details": {
        "Kombinierbarkeit": {
          "applicable": "False",
          "reason": ""
        "Zinssatz": {
          "applicable": "False",
          "zinssatz": 0,
          "funding_unit_type": "percentage",
          "reason": ""
        "MaximalInvestition": {
          "applicable": "True",
          "funding_amount": 600000,
          "funding_unit_type": "total_euro",
          "reason": "8.3.1 Höchstgrenzen bei Wohngebäuden (WG) ... insgesamt auf maximal 600.000 Euro pro Gebäude"
        "MindestInvestition": {
          "applicable": "False",
          "funding_amount": 0,
          "funding_unit_type": "total_euro",
          "reason": ""
        "Tilgung": {
          "applicable": "True", //Always True due to calculation logic
          "funding_unit_type": "percentage",
          "tilgungssatz": 10

Description of general response keys

JSON Response Objects - Overview

Key Type Description
results Array A list of results to be returned in the response including funding
application.application_details Object Details related to the application process, deadlines, administering institutions, and whether exchange with the house bank is necessary.
application.energetic_details Object Energetic details such as the need for an energy standard increase, a renovation plan, and an energy consultant.
doc_id String A unique ID for the document.
version String Date of the current document version.
foerderung.bundesland String The federal state where the funding is available.
foerderung.foerderart String The type of funding (e.g., grant).
foerdergebiet_bund_region String The area where the funding is available (e.g., nationwide). String The name of the funding program.
match_count Integer The number of matches in this result.
measures_matched Array A list of measures matching the search terms.
applicable_measures Array A list of measures applicable for this funding.
applicable_calculation Object Details about possible calculation methods.
measures_details Object Details about individual measures, including applicability, reasoning
funding_details Object Details about funding amounts (max, min, combination with other programs, interest

Details for applicable_calculation

Key Type Allowed Values Interpretation
applicable_calculation Object Dictionary {…} Indicates, which calculation method to apply
applicable_calculation.calc_single_measure Bool True, False (=default) If True: Die Berechnung der Förderhöhen kann auf Basis der Einzelmaßnahmen getroffen werden.

Diese sind zu finden unter: results.measures_details.measure[x].measure_funding_amount

Ob dort ein gültiger Wert liegt wird ausgegeben über: results.measures_details.measure[0].calc_single_measure
applicable_calculation.calc_zinssatz Bool True, False (=default) If True: Die Berechnung der Förderhöhen kann auf Basis einer Zinsvergünstigung stattfinden - bezogen auf die GESAMTEN förderfähigen Ausgaben.

Dieser sind zu finden unter: results.funding_details.Zinssatz.zinssatz

Ob dort ein gültiger Wert liegt wird ausgegeben über: results.funding_details.Zinssatz.applicable
applicable_calculation.calc_tilgung Bool True, False (=default) If True: Die Berechnung der Förderhöhen kann auf Basis eines Tilgungszuschusses stattfinden.

Dieser sind zu finden unter: results.funding_details.Tilgung.tilgungssatz

Ob dort ein gültiger Wert liegt wird ausgegeben über: results.funding_details.Tilgung.applicable

Details for results.funding_details

Key Type Allowed Values Interpretation
funding_details.MindestInvestition.applicable Bool True, False (=default) False
funding_details.MindestInvestition.funding_amount Float Float ≥ 0.0 0.0
funding_details.MindestInvestition.funding_unit_type String percentage, total_euro total_euro
funding_details.MindestInvestition.reason String Text String ""
funding_details.MaximalInvestition.applicable Bool True, False (=default) True
funding_details.MaximalInvestition.funding_amount Float Float ≥ 0.0 200000.0
funding_details.MaximalInvestition.funding_unit_type String percentage, total_euro total_euro
funding_details.MaximalInvestition.reason String Text String Grund für Betrag…
funding_details.Kombinierbarkeit.applicable Bool True, False (=default) True
funding_details.Kombinierbarkeit.reason String Text String Grund für Kombinierbarkeit…
funding_details.Zinssatz.applicable Bool True, False (=default) True
funding_details.Zinssatz.funding_amount Float Float ≥ 0.0 2
funding_details.Zinssatz.funding_unit_type String percentage percentage
funding_details.Zinssatz.reason String Text String Zinsvergünstigung durch…
funding_details.Tilgung.applicable Bool True (always true) False
funding_details.Tilgung.percentage String percentage percentage
funding_details.Tilgung.tilgungssatz Float Float ≥ 0.0 0.0

Details for results.measures_details

Key Type Allowed Values Interpretation
results.measures_details.measure[n] Object Dict with measure details /
results.measures_details.measure[n].applicable Bool True, False (=default) True
results.measures_details.measure[n].calc_single_measure Bool True, False (=default) True
True wenn measure_funding_amount definiert
results.measures_details.measure[n].measure_funding_unit String percentage, euro_max, euro_pro_einheit total_euro
results.funding_details.MaximalInvestition.applicable Bool Float ≥ 0.0 0.0
results.funding_details.MaximalInvestition.funding_amount Float Text String Grund für Betrag…

Calculation Logic

The subsidy programmes allow subsidy amounts to be calculated in four different ways. This depends on the respective types of subsidy programmes. A distinction is made between: - Zuschüssen - Darlehen - Kombination aus Zuschuss und Darlehen (=Kombi) - Tilgungszuschuss


To simplify the calculation, the API response contains the object applicable_calculation for each programme. .
The possible calculation types are now listed in detail for all cases:

Förderart results.foerderart_std applicable_calculation Ausprägungen Berechnungsart
zuschuss calc_single_measures = True
calc_zinssatz = False
calc_tilgung = False
The calculation is based on the individual measures: results.measures_details.measure[x].measure_funding_amount

Through measure_funding_unit is the unit differentiated:
euro_total = subsidy in € for renovation measure (e.g. 2500.0)
euro_pro_einheit = subsidy in € per unit of renovation measure (e.g. 40.0). Units can be the number of windows or living area in m^2.
percentage = subsidy in percent of cost from renovation measure (e.g. 25.0)
darlehen calc_single_measures = False
calc_zinssatz = True
calc_tilgung = False
The calculation is based on the total cost of the refurbishment measures via a subsidised loan.

results.funding_details.Zinssatz.zinssatz (always in percent —> e.g. 1.5)
kombi calc_single_measures = True
calc_zinssatz = True
calc_tilgung = False
The two calculation types above are possible here
tilgung calc_single_measures = False
calc_zinssatz = False
calc_tilgung = True
The calculation is based on the total costs of the renovation measures via a repayment subsidy. This is reallocated to the total costs and deducted as a percentage.

results.funding_details.Tilgung.tilgungssatz (always in percent —> e.g. 20.0)

Minimum Investments and Maximum Subsidies

The respective programmes often also specify minimum investment costs or maximum funding amounts:

Minimum investment costs: - For example, at least €5,000 must be invested in a programme for the funding to take effect - Here are results.funding_details.MindestInvestition

Maximum funding amounts: - The funding amounts can be limited to €500k per project, for example. If the investment requirement is higher, only €500k can be counted as funding for the respective programme. - Here are results.funding_details.MaximalInvestition